Frequently Asked Questions
You can find a list of our most frequently asked questions below.
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What is KPMG
KPMG is a central repository that holds UK tax reports provided by funds to their investors in line with the UK reporting regime for offshore funds. It is intended to make it easier for investors to find reports and for managers to provide them. Funds are able to provide all reports published since commencement of the reporting regime in 2009.
This is a voluntary repository which enables funds and their managers to upload their reports to investors. If a report is not available on the repository, the fund provider may have chosen another route to meet the requirements of the regulations, such as providing it on their own website or as a hard copy.
What are the main benefits of KPMG
Is there a charge?
How many funds have signed up?
What should I do if I cannot find my report to investors?
If we publish our information on KPMG, does this fulfil HMRC requirements?
As a Fund Principal, what is my role?
As an Approver, what is my role?
As a Contributor, what is my role?
As a Contributor how do I upload my reports?
What is the upcoming tab for?
What do I do on the Admin tab?
How do I invite other users to upload, edit or approve?
Why can I not publish, the publish button is disabled?
As Fund Principal do I need to provide contact details in the umbrella fund information section?
I need to make a correction to the report information, what do I do?